A cross-border initiative supported by the European Union


What is the Interreg Caribbean program?

For almost three decades, this program has been encouraging cross-border cooperation between institutional partners and project promoters in order to strengthen the regional integration of overseas territories.

Our marine renewable energy development project perfectly fits with the strategic axes and specific goals set by Interreg Caribbean for the development of the region: 

  • Supporting the development of renewable energies in the Eastern Caribbean.

  • Increase the share of renewable energies in the electricity mix of territories for greater energy autonomy.

Pour en savoir plus

EKWA Consulting

EKWA Consulting specializes in the legal aspects of public-private partnerships and infrastructure development projects (energy, water, waste, transport) including the governance mechanisms related to the protection of the environment, the promotion of renewable energies and the blue economy.

David Simmons & Associates LTD

David Simmons & Associates LTD, based in Saint Lucia, provides knowledge in the implementation of environmental policies of Caribbean islands territories and in the legislative and institutional analysis of projects related to the protection of the environment and biodiversity.

Hill & Hill

Hill & Hill, based in Antigua and Barbuda, provides its knowledge in Caribbean business and private sector environment, particularly on commercial, corporate and investment laws.

A team gathering 100% of the required skills for 100% Caribbean project

EKWA Consulting, a French law firm based in Paris and Guadeloupe, has been entrusted with the management of the project and its feasibility study within a consortium of several experts.

YS Énergies Marines Développement

YS Énergies Marines Développement, a company based in Nantes (West of France) specialized in the development of tidal and wave energy projects  and already working on MRE projects in French Polynesia, Bretagne and  the Pays de la Loire coasts. It supplies the technical ability needed to deploy the blue economy.


Meteolien, a Toulouse-based company (South-West of France), brings its experience in the wind, waves & tidal resources modeling and related energy production assessment.  In 2015 Meteolien led the Wind Atlas program for  ADEME in the hexagone and in french overseas territories.

The MRE Caribbean (Marine Renewable Energy) project has started with the impulse of the European Territorial Cooperation program in partnership with overseas countries and territories in the Caribbean region Interreg V Caribbean 2014 – 2020 funded by the European Foundation for Regional Development (ERDF) whose delegate is the Guadeloupe Region in partnership with the international organizations of the Caribbean region (AEC, CARIFORUM, OECS) which is responsible for its implementation.